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Rowing Strength "Reps" Row

"One & Done" Single Session Rows • 18m

Up Next in "One & Done" Single Session Rows

  • The Wave Rider

    Get ready to "ride the waves" with this one! "The Wave Rider" workout will have you shift between intervals of 20 SPM and 24 SPM! Alternating each minute, the 20 SPM intervals, considered "off", will help you practice a controlled "STEADY" intensity, while the 24 SPM intervals, considered "on", w...

  • The Climber

    "The Climber" workout will focus on helping you develop efficiency as stroke rate increases. Starting at a low rate of 14 SPM and "climbing" all the way up to 32 SPM, shifting each minute, you'll feel this short workout kick into high gear quickly!

    EQUIPMENT: rower and a positive attitude!

  • 30-second POWER Interval Training

    Learning to generate high power on the rowing machine takes practice - and in this workout, you'll be practicing generating power through 30 second intervals! When practicing power, it needs to be practiced with control and discipline in order to build up to your true potential! This workout will...